You need to collaborate with the right people, right now to make your idea into reality. Thankfully, that’s exactly what Match Net voicemail, e-mail, and audio and web conferencing products make possible. Quickly and easily create an instant meeting at any time, between multiple sites, inexpensively, so that you can get that idea to fruition while it’s still fresh.
More efficient meetings.
Conferencing with Match Net can result in less wasted time and better productivity. For example, document and share meeting decisions in real time so that everybody knows exactly what the next steps are and can get right to work without further clarification.
More meaningful meetings.
Easily develop and show multimedia presentations, complete with voice narration. Resolve customer issues with secure online sessions. Even incorporate streaming video into large events.
Convenient follow-up.
From basic e-mail to domain-name e-mail, we can help you keep communication flowing with the right e-mail solution. We also offer a complete hosted exchange service with web-based administration for allocating mailboxes, storage, and securing passwords.
Always-on help.
Our conferencing and collaboration products are simple, but the experience can be even better with training and support. And we offer a lot of both for free. In addition, if an issue ever arises, our 24×7 customer support will be there for you.